Your safety

Your off/online safety routine supporting you? Yes, that’s right this is very close with your money management. Did you respect yourself? How to do you think about your safety? Where you signed in, you have to sign off! Yes, this is your safety, seriously this has to be basic in your life. Like it or not, online banking is safe if you are paranoid about your online safety, that’s meaning is never use free wifi for your online banking, switch to your wifi and after switched on your data and then sign in, make your money task, when you finished you have to sign off, then switch off your date and then switched back to your wifi. The sound may be complicated, but!!! that’s a way how to use your money safe. Just think about your safety offline same routine, where you signed in you have to sign off – including your PC, laptop and your phone for nighttime (or don’t leave your phone in the room when you sleeping), I know this takes more time – this is worth it.

Thanks your visit, Savannaaah 🙂



Shopping with …

… your other half, that’s can be fun – I’m not sure on the ha-ha way.

I have a system for any shopping, typically food shopping, I got a shopping list on paper and budget/limit, I know which shop I use – this is taking a time. Sometimes we are going to food shopping together, that never a good idea, because I know how much my budget and how much I want to pay. You know I like to have easy and comfy life (what I never had) and I still working on it. He has a different idea, shopping have to be quick and his packing idea is not Savanna’s friendly, and a summary is usually more than I wanted. Luckily this does not happen every month, my target once a year – I still need working on it.

What is it your shopping experience alone or with your other half?

Thanks your visit, Savannaaah

you can change your focus

If you are working you need/have to pay for your pension – before taxed, tax and in England National Insurance, this is your expenses from your wages/income. This part of the life, like it or not. When you focus on the expenses you can feel you are not getting enough money, change your focus and see how much money you got. This is your choice what do you want to see, your focus on your expenses or your focus on your income. Now I talk about my experience: long times ago I had a very difficult financial situation, the worst part was my focus on my expenses, bills. Until someone told me, I need to try put my focus on how much money I got and I have to learn to manage it. That was a slow process, sometimes that pattern trying come in back to my life, I don’t let that.

When you focus on your income magic is happening, you can more be relaxed, calmed and you getting organised for the next day after the next week after the next month can be longer. Give a chance for yourself, take baby steps.

Thanks your visit, Savannaaah

Where are you going to your holiday?

Staying in your country or you going to abroad? When you going to stay vacation can be easier, doesn’t mean cheaper, you know the country, language  – you live there. When you going to abroad not sure you know the country, language. Today you can buy package holidays and that’s might be cheaper than your stay vacation. Both opportunities are good for you. Going to a different county is give you an experience and you do not need to learn a new language and culture, help learn new things from your country. Going abroad is give you an experience of new language and culture – doesn’t mean you do not need to learn a new language – in England, everyone thinks everywhere around the world speaking English, I’m not sure about that – definitely not where I’m from 😦

Before your holiday, please doing your homework, start interesting the culture/history in your country and abroad – you can find new information in your country too and start learning the basic words, example: thank you, your welcome, good morning, good buy. Yes, I know that takes a time and need put in more effort, this is worth it. You are planning your holiday, you are want to enjoy your time, good holiday not just about how much is cost.

Thanks your visit, Savannaaah

Life expenses

I meet my friends and we talk about how to manage our life, she told me just been the bank and paid off her “silly bills” What’s that means??? She said, council tax, rent, bills, TV license and …

I didn’t understand that attitude and I asked: are you happily live in your home? You have a choice – enjoying your life with life expenses or you can save money and sleep on the street, the choice is yours.

I know sometimes we couldn’t change our focus just looking for the bills and forget what we get for that. You can make money more and more if you focus on the good thing is your life.

Thanks your visit, Savannaaah

Spend wisely

Don’t spend what you haven’t got. Use your credit card wisely, you can have it and use it if you paying back on time, that’s meaning is use for good: online shopping is acceptable with the credit card. Yes, you need to know your paying date, you can have it that money, interest is higher than you think and very painful not just physically, emotionally and when you worrying about money your body can be hurt. I heard too many times from my friends going to Holiday and paying with credit card, that takes a time 1-2 years and much higher than you could afford it. If you need a holiday, you can save up and after booking your trip. Yes, this can be different than your usual way, change for good.

Thanks your visit, Savannaaah

your free work

MondayHow much worth is it? Your free work meaning is what you do for yourself or family member and nobody paying your price. What do you think, do you work for free??? Yes, you do! Like it or not you work for nothing = that’s category is domestic / housework, cleaning, not just cleaning, cooking, shopping, laundry. Put in that direction if you not doing that you paying someone else and that price higher amount what you get.

I don’t mind the housework when I want to do it, unfortunately, need to go to shopping regularly – need making a shopping list, planning our food and that takes a time longer that my shopping, unpacking at home. Cooking, if I have a grateful “customer” how is like what I cooking my feeling much better, I still need planning our food, shopping, preparation time and washing up, fill up the dishwasher and emptying that – that takes a time too.

Cleaning, I cleaning when I am want to not when to have to, sometimes my man doing that, after lots of years finally we can pay for someone doing that job. I never had money for that 😦 Unfortunately, our help couldn’t come I’m very busy with my work I couldn’t do that and my man did that cleaning job, when his finished just asked me for money ??? my answer was he never paid me for cleaning before he’s replied I said if everyone equal that’s not a question, after he pay me the last 8 years for our home cleaning, then I get the money I can pay him. I still waiting … he now more respectful about my house work 🙂

OK, this is not a joke, we are just don’t recognised how much worth our work for at home, just think about that way if you doing that job for someone else how much your hourly wages? Start with the minimum wages and double it, because usually, that’s work is a business, and every business need a paying tax, national insurance in the UK, and for the pension. I’m very lucky because I can pay someone to help me with the housework and I working on she stay with us long as possible, she is a good worker and gives that extra what we need for our work, thank you for that.

Thanks your visit, Savannaaah

Free games…


…from the app store, the sound is similar? Yes, this is connecting with money, because a free game is cost your time, on your device battery life maybe use the internet all the time. Playing game is OK if not take you off from your family, work, relationship. Need to find a balance and control yourself. Some game doesn’t let you use the basic level for goods because push you spend your money for that. Up to higher level can be harder reach the target without help, that’s mean is you need to use the goods or buy it – of course for your money not what you already got it. Find your way for relaxing and enjoy playing and spend time with your family and friends, this about enjoys their company and you can be achieved more than you could imagine. Good relationship with your family and friends is the best medicine 🙂

Thanks your visit, Savannaaah

Reuseabag, Bag for life, Recyclable


Do you read the small print? Do you know how need use what did you buy? Everything has how to use, cooking guidance, direction to use, how to wash, term and conditions and more … If you are on autopilot or you haven’t time or … when you want to use your stuff that’s can be complicated. You need put you the attention your action.

Example: bag for life meaning is in England no free plastic bag, if I need one I have a choose for 5p – that was free before changed the Law, or bag for life that’s more than 10p. I have 4 different bag for life – that’s a word from them:

  • Bag for life – if this bag wears out, please return it and we’ll give you a new one.

  • Reuseabag, when completely worn out, you can take back and swap for a shiny new one – for free!

  • Recyclable bag replaced free

  • If this bag wears out, please return it and we’ll give you a new one.

Yes, this is taking a time and need carrying the bag, this is not just about the money this is about how to think about yourself and your world if you put an effort in your daily action one step at the time you have a good life. You get what you give.

Thanks your visit, Savannaaah

I like to control when I spend my money

Our wash machine at home ca-put yesterday wasn’t too old 3-4 years old over the warranty and used well 😦 now need a new one ASAP, that’s a challenge is because I haven’t got idea which brand and when is coming. This is happening because tomorrow is Friday delivery can be on Monday. Yes, I have a money for a new wash machine, but I never think about I need to buy a new one – I wasn’t ready for that. Online shopping happening with the credit card, because I always fully paying back before the paying date, this is a “free money”.

What is it your quick fix when similar happening in your life?

Thanks your visit, Savannaaah
