Time to start something new?

Give a chance for something new for you. This is not compulsory just an option, the choice is yours. How do you feel about your life? Are you happy with your financial life? Are you healthy, your weight is perfect. I know after Christmas and New Year celebration weight management issue can be necessary, I do not talk about weight management. I talk about money management.

Money management is important, you need to know where is going to your money and where is from your money, I don’t like when is someone just saying, spend less and make more money – how??? Changing your current situation is not easy because you had your money pattern and your inheritance from your childhood and back to generation from your family.

Start where you can, now is a perfect time. How is the key, you need to find the way what to do and just keep doing it. Yes, I made lots of mistakes in my life with my money including managing my budget, but!!! I still do it a different way and I can change when is a need. You can worth better financial life on your right. I wish you good luck to you every part of your life – personal and professional.

Thanks your visit, Savannaaah 🙂

Your safety

Your off/online safety routine supporting you? Yes, that’s right this is very close with your money management. Did you respect yourself? How to do you think about your safety? Where you signed in, you have to sign off! Yes, this is your safety, seriously this has to be basic in your life. Like it or not, online banking is safe if you are paranoid about your online safety, that’s meaning is never use free wifi for your online banking, switch to your wifi and after switched on your data and then sign in, make your money task, when you finished you have to sign off, then switch off your date and then switched back to your wifi. The sound may be complicated, but!!! that’s a way how to use your money safe. Just think about your safety offline same routine, where you signed in you have to sign off – including your PC, laptop and your phone for nighttime (or don’t leave your phone in the room when you sleeping), I know this takes more time – this is worth it.

Thanks your visit, Savannaaah 🙂



if you are doing your best…

Nobody perfect – did you know that? If you are doing your best … and something not going to the right direction, please don’t feel guilty. You are human and human can make a mistake. Don’t giving up, just start again.

Yes, I’m talking about your life situation, not just your money. Money is important for paying your living expenses and that is a huge task and never-ending story and sometimes or most the time financial can take over on everything. Your relationships, your works, your health and this is not good. Your health is your wealth!!! I don’t know which part live in the world and how looking after your health/wellbeing. Take a time stop for 15-20 minutes once a week for doing nothing, yes doing nothing. You can call relaxing, doing meditation, physical exercise, me time, that recharges you. Actually, that’s time can make you more healthy than you think because you can pay the doctor, buy medicine, but you can’t buy health, you can look after your health. Think before you taking action.

Thanks your visit, Savannaaah 🙂

What’s your why???

If you doing what to need to do – you get what you want,

If you doing what you like to do – your results can be different, choose is yours.

Yes, I’m talking about your financial life, can you take care of your money? Saving and paying back your debt is possible if you focus on your budget. If you can spend less, find the way earning more and the extra money going to in your debt, saving, daily life and your treat. You can live on less money what you make now.

The debt you have to decide why you want to be debt free and what you have to do. Saving is important – doesn’t matter how small you can start saving, saving change your relationship with your money. I don’t know how’s working I just know start as soon as possible and everything is changing in your financial life. You need a roof over your head, food, transport, clothes and … in your daily life. Treat is the most important in your life, definitely when you having a financial difficulties/money complication. Than need once a week a treat for yourself, a cup of coffee in your favourite coffee shop or buy a magazine, going to walk, meet your friend/s, something does not cost too much and you have a power keep doing what you need to do.

Thanks your visit, Savannaaah

that wasn’t a joke :(

Yesterday at work we talked about savings, one colleague said she hadn’t got a money for saving after paying her living expenses, rent, car expenses, food … etc. I said open the saving account and start saving once a month £5 because need starting somewhere, her answer she not rich enough for saving money, saving is for rich people??? I still shocked, my answer was you have to do something differently, before too late. you shouldn’t be irresponsibility.

Your choice is your responsibility.

Thanks your visit, Savannaaah


Thanks your visit, Savannaaah


you can change your focus

If you are working you need/have to pay for your pension – before taxed, tax and in England National Insurance, this is your expenses from your wages/income. This part of the life, like it or not. When you focus on the expenses you can feel you are not getting enough money, change your focus and see how much money you got. This is your choice what do you want to see, your focus on your expenses or your focus on your income. Now I talk about my experience: long times ago I had a very difficult financial situation, the worst part was my focus on my expenses, bills. Until someone told me, I need to try put my focus on how much money I got and I have to learn to manage it. That was a slow process, sometimes that pattern trying come in back to my life, I don’t let that.

When you focus on your income magic is happening, you can more be relaxed, calmed and you getting organised for the next day after the next week after the next month can be longer. Give a chance for yourself, take baby steps.

Thanks your visit, Savannaaah

because … anything is possible

You can have the worry free financial life if you working on it. Basic is you know where is going your money, when and why – you need to know every pennies route (I live in England, UK) – if you don’t know that’s amount is double than you think. Essential where is from your money, when and how much – if you don’t know that’s amount is half than you think. Your financial life between them. Simply worry free financial life is can be yours, just you have to put effort and keeping your eyes on your money. Doesn’t matter you like it or not, this is your job.

I still don’t like doing it, but!!! since I doing that every day, every week my financial life is much easier because I feel control over my money, I don’t feel money control me anymore. Yes, I got a help from my friend Money Magnet Meditation just need do it that. Help yourself and you can have everything.

Thanks your visit Savannaaah


anything is possible

autopilot or …

change your way? Nothing wrong with your routine, if still support you and keep on the right direction. Sometimes just need a little change, change what is convenient for you, baby steps, one step at the time. Just look at what are you doing, and then you can change for good. Learning new habit is challenging, you need to know your why? Why do you want to change? What do you want to achieve? Please think about it and write down with pen on the paper by your hand. That’s way stronger than you think. I’m not visual type if I want something strongly I write down with pen on the paper by my hand, because I see it and I take action information burn in my conscious and subconscious. Sometimes I put that paper in the box, sometimes a took a picture of them before I put away, that helps me. Believe in yourself, you can do that.

Thanks your visit, Savannaaah

Where are you going to your holiday?

Staying in your country or you going to abroad? When you going to stay vacation can be easier, doesn’t mean cheaper, you know the country, language  – you live there. When you going to abroad not sure you know the country, language. Today you can buy package holidays and that’s might be cheaper than your stay vacation. Both opportunities are good for you. Going to a different county is give you an experience and you do not need to learn a new language and culture, help learn new things from your country. Going abroad is give you an experience of new language and culture – doesn’t mean you do not need to learn a new language – in England, everyone thinks everywhere around the world speaking English, I’m not sure about that – definitely not where I’m from 😦

Before your holiday, please doing your homework, start interesting the culture/history in your country and abroad – you can find new information in your country too and start learning the basic words, example: thank you, your welcome, good morning, good buy. Yes, I know that takes a time and need put in more effort, this is worth it. You are planning your holiday, you are want to enjoy your time, good holiday not just about how much is cost.

Thanks your visit, Savannaaah

Did you organise your shopping trolley

Food shopping is a task, personally, I want to be finished soon as possible, I want to buy everything from my shopping list, I do not want any packing. Yes, without any packing – I hate packing, but I hate more if someone else doing it for me. My shopping tour in the supermarket is the easiest part, hardest is packing. 1st what I choose I put in the shopping trolley how I put on the front of checkout, this is sometimes very challenging. 2nd @ the checkout I put everything that orders how I want to put in my shopping bags and I always ask how is sitting there, slower than you think, please. Actually, this is the best part, shopping bags opened in the trolley and everything going in the right order. 3rd part is the worst, I need unpacking @ home – I never had enough time for that and I don’t like when my another half try help on his way. Sound funny but really need put apples in the fruit bowl with the package??? Thanks to his help, but no thanks.

Thanks your visit, Savannaaah