because … anything is possible

You can have the worry free financial life if you working on it. Basic is you know where is going your money, when and why – you need to know every pennies route (I live in England, UK) – if you don’t know that’s amount is double than you think. Essential where is from your money, when and how much – if you don’t know that’s amount is half than you think. Your financial life between them. Simply worry free financial life is can be yours, just you have to put effort and keeping your eyes on your money. Doesn’t matter you like it or not, this is your job.

I still don’t like doing it, but!!! since I doing that every day, every week my financial life is much easier because I feel control over my money, I don’t feel money control me anymore. Yes, I got a help from my friend Money Magnet Meditation just need do it that. Help yourself and you can have everything.

Thanks your visit Savannaaah


anything is possible

self care

Most the time we are just going on autopilot, sometimes need a break before something serious happen. Looking after yourself is not selfish that essential, if you are sick you couldn’t go to work, look after your family if you are not alone if you are alone that more serious consequences, because how is looking after your when you sick? You can’t make money when you couldn’t work. You don’t have to be spending lots of money on yourself – if you want you can plan that. Sleeping enough gives a magic touch, just doing nothing enjoying your time is. Lots of things are not about how much money you’ve got, this is about your relationship with your money.

Thanks your visit, Savannaaah


your free work

MondayHow much worth is it? Your free work meaning is what you do for yourself or family member and nobody paying your price. What do you think, do you work for free??? Yes, you do! Like it or not you work for nothing = that’s category is domestic / housework, cleaning, not just cleaning, cooking, shopping, laundry. Put in that direction if you not doing that you paying someone else and that price higher amount what you get.

I don’t mind the housework when I want to do it, unfortunately, need to go to shopping regularly – need making a shopping list, planning our food and that takes a time longer that my shopping, unpacking at home. Cooking, if I have a grateful “customer” how is like what I cooking my feeling much better, I still need planning our food, shopping, preparation time and washing up, fill up the dishwasher and emptying that – that takes a time too.

Cleaning, I cleaning when I am want to not when to have to, sometimes my man doing that, after lots of years finally we can pay for someone doing that job. I never had money for that 😦 Unfortunately, our help couldn’t come I’m very busy with my work I couldn’t do that and my man did that cleaning job, when his finished just asked me for money ??? my answer was he never paid me for cleaning before he’s replied I said if everyone equal that’s not a question, after he pay me the last 8 years for our home cleaning, then I get the money I can pay him. I still waiting … he now more respectful about my house work 🙂

OK, this is not a joke, we are just don’t recognised how much worth our work for at home, just think about that way if you doing that job for someone else how much your hourly wages? Start with the minimum wages and double it, because usually, that’s work is a business, and every business need a paying tax, national insurance in the UK, and for the pension. I’m very lucky because I can pay someone to help me with the housework and I working on she stay with us long as possible, she is a good worker and gives that extra what we need for our work, thank you for that.

Thanks your visit, Savannaaah

I know today is Saturday


Sometimes my time is flown away because I’m not planning my time.

I just brought for you this is a FREE 5-day Challenge for good so you can … enjoy your money more.

Join if … do you want to know if you truly NEED a budget so you can move on with your life?

Join if … do you want to stop feel guilty when you getting unstuck with this part will help you start loving how you manage your money.

Join if … you want to move your status with your budget from “It’s Complicated” to “In A Loving Relationship” for good.

Bonus … This is not just your ordinary challenge … going to help you daily LIVE!

This post contains affiliate, please sign up for this is FREE 5-day Challenge, help get over my fear, this is really scary, click here 5-day Budget Reset, thanks your support, Savannaaah

Money panic

Usually money panic is normal to me 😦 Unfortunately, this is different much worse and longer than before and I don’t know how can I get over it, I’m just worrying about money, actually, I’m lost my confidence I couldn’t find what is it my next step . This is not financial difficulty, this is what I need to do and I’m just couldn’t imagine the best results. Do you have any idea?

Thanks your visit, Savannaaah


1 years gone

My 1st money challenge is finished Monday 22nd August 2016 I did it 🙂 I started on Monday 31st August 2015 I can saving up money, but using my saving can be difficult, because I had a very bad feeling – guilt, frustration… and seeing my saving is harder to me, I’m not visual type 😦 Writing down is a new thing, I worry about someone want to use my money, that’s a reason why I not recording my income / savings, week by week writing down my saving, seeing my balance was challenging. I started with £1/week, on the 6th week I lifted up to £2/week, on the 23rd week I lifted up to £3/week. On week 38 I decided now that’s money goes to my credit card and lifted up to £4/week, on the 41st week I reached £100 = one hundred British font sterling, that was a big step to me. Seeing, writing and keep doing without any harm is very good. Now I am ready for the next challenge. Do you have any challenges with money?

Thanks your visit, Savannaaah


Machine fault? Human error?

Today in the bank everyone pushes to use machines, customers and bank staff too. When I need cash I ask money from cashier because £5 notes and £1 coins not available. Last time I had a different experience because money was short from the machine – now how fault is that? Doesn’t matter if I do not feel I pushed away from personal customer service and nobody let me I do it on my time. I learned the lesson, now I’m taking on time anywhere where I use money – I still don’t like use machines, maybe that’s a future just I’m not ready for that (maybe 50 years later), and my another opinion if I’m not good enough for personal customer service just my money I do not use that bank.


Money comes from anywhere

I just want talk about my budget, I put everything in an excel sheet from receipts, online spending, and my phone budgeting app. My income from my work, investment interest, and money comes from anywhere. The sound may be complicating, that’s a way what is it working for me. Thanks for my budget I know how much money need for me per week = this is a good news 🙂 I’m not relaxed, because I don’t know how I manage my savings, I know why I save money, but!!! when I use my savings I have a guilty feeling = that’s a bad news 😦

Thanks your visit, Savannaaah
